About Me

My passion is sharing my expertise with others.

In 2016 I visited my local spay and neuter clinic to shadow for the day. I was looking for a new job in my area, and knew someone who knew someone…you know how it goes. I hadn’t performed a single spay or neuter surgery since I had graduated veterinary school in 2014. You see, I had spent the last 5+ years striving to become a zoo/wildlife veterinarian. Boy, how life throws you into situations you’d never think to consider.

The night before, I dug up my junior surgery notes and committed them to memory. Pedicles, broad ligaments, circumferential knots, transfixation knots, all were terms I hadn’t thought about in years. I felt prepared.

The next day, observing the well-oiled machine that was the spay and neuter clinic, I realized that I was not prepared. At all. Watching the carefully designed dance that was performed by the entire staff, I was impressed beyond words. Watching the surgeon’s hands as she effortlessly, methodically, and safely performed 30+ surgeries that day without breaking a sweat, at first I was amazed, and then I was upset. My first thought was “why wasn’t I taught this in veterinary school?”.

Years later, after mastering these techniques, I began to read about fellow veterinarians who hated surgery, had crippling anxiety about dog spays, etc. That broke my heart because I know that surgery can be fun. And easy. And stress-free.

These stories were my motivation to create the online course, The Six Minute Spay. In the first two years, to my shock, close to 700 veterinarians enrolled in the course. The feedback I received was so supportive. I heard so many stories of achievements and success, much better than the stories of despair and stress.

So, now you know why I do what I do. I truly want everyone to enjoy spay and neuter surgery, and together we can work in our communities and around the world to improve animal welfare.

Speaking Engagements

Learn more about me and my person story in the interviews below:

Please send all speaking and interview inquiries to june@6minutespay.com